A multi-award-winning book. Providing fresh insight into the origins of cancer.
Written to empower cancer patients as well as oncologists, this book offers the exciting prospect of a new therapeutic approach, through the identification of a controlling pathogen. According to Mark, our cells are not working against us, rather, they are struggling to regain control of key cellular functions that have been hijacked. Cancer is a 'cell suppression', not 'cell malfunction', disease. All our cells need, is a little helping hand against a pathogen that has established itself within chronically inflammed tissue.
A Revolutionary Book
First published:
15th May 2023
Production time:
8 years, 9 months
814 (44 pages)
Professional endorsements:
Theory validation process:
6 hour presentation, live debate with 10 international cancer experts and over 200 medical professionals.
Literary Awards:
Also available as an ebook


"Mark has presented a coherent model of carcinogenesis and the mechanism of cancer.”
Professor Michael Lisanti
Endorsements from
Medical Professionals:
”Thank you Mark for the great talks and opening up the floor for further dialogue and re-thinking the cancer paradigm. Requires a lot of courage to be willing to be on the receiving end of feedback from world experts. So glad to have been able to attend such a stimulating session. Thank you to the organisers and those involved in the background who made it happen.”
Dr Paul Ch'en
"History is full of examples of complex scientific problems that are overturned after they were considered ‘solved.’ Cancer has proven to be more complicated than previously assumed, and even today the science is far from "settled." I applaud any researcher that looks at difficult scientific issues through a different lens and highlights the inconsistencies and proposes new ideas. Mark has done just that; his book is a sweeping and comprehensive examination of cancer biology that offers a novel theory on the cellular events that transform a normal cell into a cancer cell.”
Travis Christofferson
Author - Tripping over the truth
"Mark has done a phenomenal job at exploring the concepts and theories of how cancer can emerge within a patient and shines a light on the idea that one of those causes may be a microorganism.”
Dr Sean Devlin
"For over two decades we have evolved our Hallmarks of Cancer and yet still fall short of our understanding of, and treatment for, this shapeshifting disease. Mark Lintern’s observations add another piece to the puzzle, taking us another step closer to characterizing this as a disease of the terrain versus of the genetics and helps us change course to a more hopeful future in cancer care and prevention.”
Dr Nasha Winters
Coauthor - The Metabolic Approach to Cancer
"A lot is known about cancer as a symptom, much less about what causes it, although I’m not sure we should be surprised given we’ve not yet got consensus on what life really is! Mark Lintern’s very thoroughly researched work drives a coach and horses through most of the prevailing theories of cancer causation – made more remarkable by him being a layperson and someone who had cancer – no doubt aided by his deep insights to the condition. Sometimes it takes someone from outside the field, who’s on a mission – a life mission in this case – to trigger the greatly overdue rethink over what cancer is, why it’s present in some and not others, and most importantly, how we can find solutions to it that work!”
Dr Robert Verkerk
”Mark's book navigates the complexity and mystery of cancer with remarkable dexterity, providing hugely useful insights into multiple aspects such as the different fuels that drive tumour growth, and how to curb them.”
Professor Brigitte König
PhD - Professor of Medical Microbiology and Virology, University of Leipzig
”Thank you, Mark! Your approach to this complex and challenging subject is commendable. Your investigative mindset, guided by evidence and not just preconceived beliefs, is what sets your work apart. There have been many remarkable advancements in the medical field made by individuals outside the traditional medical community. Kudos to you for your contributions and I hope that your ideas will continue to inspire others, especially in their pursuit of more minimally invasive treatment options.”
Luke Watts
Cancer coach
”Amazing dedication and a compelling body of research to highlight the role of microbes in cancer. I’m sure it will encourage us all to redouble our focus on the role of the gut and microbiome. Thank you. Most of all, I love how you have shown how important it is for us to take a step backward and look at our work through another lens.”
Dawn Waldron
Oncology nurse
”Your achievement based on not being “in the field” is quite a testament to your personal character, courage, determination, and smarts. Take a bow sir! You’ve already achieved what many very well paid within the field never have.”
Connor Saunders
Nutritional therapist
Patricia Peat's endorsement - Metabolic Flexibility Conference,
courtesy of the Nutrition Collective

Jordan Peterson - Dr Adeel Khan
Dr Adeel Khan mentions Mark's Cell Suppression Theory on Jordan Peterson's podcast
Dr Robert Verkerk comments on Mark's Cancer Through Another Lens Event
Dr Robert Verkerk PhD
Patricia Peat interview
Oncology nurse Patricia Peat interviews Mark for the Metabolic Flexibility conference in 2023
Mark and Yes to Life make history
Excerpts taken from Mark's Cancer Through Another Lens event where he presented his theory to scientists in a live debate.
Purchase Mark's theory presentations

© Copyright Mark Lintern 2023. All rights reserved. Established: June 2023